Local Perspectives Feat. Amy Angellili - "Improv as an Alternate Reality" (Part 1)

I got to sit down for an in depth conversation with St. Augustine's own Adventure Pro, Amy Angellili. Amy and I first met almost two years ago when she conducted an improvisational acting "playshop." My friend Hannah rounded a few of us up to try it, and I'm glad she did. It set in motion a slow and steady dive into the world of improv. This is hardly the first time I've discussed Amy's work on my blog. She has facilitated the growth of a grassroots St. Augustine improv community.

I asked Amy to expound on how improv is essentially an alternate reality. We talked about real world applications of improv principles in business and education, and managed to demonstrate an improv game on camera. But that's just scratching the surface.  You'll also hear Amy's take on Rainn Wilson's view of acting as therapy and the challenge of discarding self-consciousness.

Amy recently returned from a retreat in Nicaragua where she worked with elementary and middle school students. Now that she's back in town, it's time to prep for Improvapalooza on March 24th. The event is being held at the Corazon Cinema.


Sit back, take a deep breath, and enjoy part one of our conversation. If you'd like to sponsor Local Perspectives, shoot an email to thisancientcity@gmail.com. Til' next time...