This Ancient City

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Good Timing

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The lot in Davis Shores was drenched in sun on this particular winter afternoon. It was time for me to accompany a patient to her appointment. What I didn’t know though, was that it would come only after another accompaniment. Let me explain.

As I approached the door of the family practice, an elderly lady in distress called out to me from a jeep parked straight ahead.

“Sir!!!” Her right arm ascended and lightly flailed out of the ajar front passenger door.

“Oh, this must be the patient…but how does she know I’m here for her today? We’ve never met.” I walked in quiet bewilderment toward her, now bypassing the entry door.

As it turns out, this helpless old lady was in need of a restroom - and quite badly. Her daughter was inside for what should have been a brief visit. Eventually we were face to face - I stood, she sat.

“Can you please get my wheelchair for me? It’s in the back!” she pleaded.

“Well, we’re in this together now.” I thought. Arriving early for work assignments is advantageous for all sorts of reasons.

So in the trunk was her folded black wheelchair. It was simply designed and easy to maneuver. I stationed it just outside of her door and unfolded it like some sort of accordion. Then my new friend, who I’ll call Sandra - began to delicately prepare her dismount. She wore a black knee brace over perfectly pressed white pants. Her large sunglasses obscured her face. I was reassured by her strong sense of relief, though she continued to shake a bit.

“Ohhh, thank you so much sir, THANK YOU!”

After some careful maneuvering, she was seated and we were ready to make our way up the ramp.

“I’m going to make it.” She said. We were in the home stretch now.

Keeping the office door open while carefully wheeling her in was an awkward, slow challenge. Still, we prevailed. When finally we were fully in the lobby, she proclaimed: “HE SAVED ME!” The whole thing was beautiful and heartwarming in its own special way. The medical staff seemed to know her quite well. Before long, the physician kindly wheeled her to the bathroom.

Still a bit early for my assigned client, I found my place in the waiting room and introduced myself. About halfway through the appointment I myself was scheduled for, Sandra audibly shared our story with the doctor while my client and I sat in an exam room. Hopefully we serendipitously cross paths again.